What is Infographics?

What is Infographics?

Information graphics, also known as infographics, are a way of presenting information, data, or knowledge with the use of visual tools. Infographics are quite ancient; early humans, for example, made maps and other visual representations of their lives which can be seen today. There are a wide range of modern uses for infographics, from maps of subway systems to slides in a presentation given at a conference.

This blog is dedicated to share precious knowledge and convey meaningful messages in the most simplest form using infographics.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

NASA celebrates 30 years of space exploration

NASA celebrated its 30th year anniversary of space exploration yesterday, on April 12th. It is on this day, exactly 30 years ago, the first space shuttle carrying Yuri Gagarin was successfully launched in space.
In order to honour the occasion, NASA has created a special landing page dedicated to provide you with detailed retrospective of the event, facts about the shuttle system, an animated feature detailing the shuttle roll-out process and many more information worth to know.
Click on the image to visit the website

Also don't forget to checkout the special infographics below, which explains about the space shuttle orbiter.
Click on the picture below to enlarge

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